Dear Friends, as we wind up our special 12 Days of an Adventures with Sarah Christmas, I’d like to personally thank you for your friendship and support. Whether you’ve just started following me, or you’ve been a part of our community for years, we appreciate you showing up and sharing your love for travel.
This year is a particularly special one as my eldest son, Lucca, has started assisting tours, and co-led our Paris Christmas Staycation. It’s always been a priority for my kids to feel the importance of travel, they’ve been coming on my tours since they were little. I lead a strange life with friends and “homes” around the globe, so including my kids is the only way they could ever know their mother’s point of view.
Now I have the joy of watching them bloom into world citizens with a quirky passion for history and culture that even outpaces my own. Passing the torch of the light of travel to my kids is one of the most rewarding things I’ve done. Watching Lucca navigate complex situations, plan fun activities, and truly enjoy being with our guests…it just makes my heart burst.
Not so long ago, he was the cute little boy opening his long-awaited XBox. He’s still cute, and thankfully that level of excitement still exists. I saw it in his eyes last night when he got the idea to buy our group a spontaneous cup of hot wine. It is so satisfying when you know you are rocking a tour and making your guests smile. When he felt that joyful energy of a good idea that worked, thus the torch had been passed. I’m no Scrooge, but it feels a bit like seeing the past, present, and future all at once.
I hope the holidays are full of love and light for you. And if they are not, remember that our community is always here to add to your cup of cheer when you’re feeling low. Travel nourishes the soul, and our cup at Adventures with Sarah, runneth over.
Peace and joy to you and yours! Love, Sarah
We hope you’ve enjoyed our festive series, if you want to catch up on any of the other posts, you can find the full 12 Days of an Adventures with Sarah Christmas here.